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Course Descriptions for Saturday, October 1st, 2022 

9:00am - 12:00pm

"Forensic Odontology"
Speaker: Winnie Furnari, RDH, MS, FAADH (3CEU)
Course Description: 

Winnie Furnari, RDH, MS, FAADH, is a forensic educator, member of the New York City Medical Examiner's Dental Identification Team, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, American Society Forensic Odontology, New York Society of Forensic Dentistry, formally trained by Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and has participated in several multiple fatality incidents. 


Sponsored by: Waterpik and KDHA


"Namaste in My Op"

Speaker: Sarah Clark, RDH, IPDH (3CEU)

Course Description: 

A career in dentistry is STRESSFUL! Learn to achieve your personal & professional wellness

full-circle as it starts with you, applies to the clinical setting and can change the outcome and

approach to patient care.

Delve into YOUR personal stress profile and learn tools to modify and adapt to it in an

interactive, fun and relatable course.

Predict your patients, relieve their anxieties in the dental chair, and learn to avoid the stress a

patient care can bring upon you. Lastly, review the clinical tools and techniques that help

manage the career stress of a dental professional.


Sponsored by: Ortek Therapeutics (Basic Bites), Closys and KDHA


Anchor 1

2:00pm - 5:00pm

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