Join Our Advocacy Efforts
Please email yourkdha@gmail.com
and the leadership team
will find a place for you.
Council on Administration
The Council on Administration is comprised of the following committees:
Bylaws, Policy and Procedures
Financial Review and Audit
Nominations and Elections
Long-Range Strategic Planning and Finance
Ways and Means
It is the duty of this council and its committees to ensure that the organization works within the policies it has set forth, and changes them as necessary to more adequately comply with ADHA, as well as to move the organization forward. The council ensures that the organization is fiscally responsible in its expeditures, and that it has a suitable slate of candidates to fulfill the duties of the organization. Finally, the council works to help provide identity to the organization, and direction to the dental hygiene profession through identifying long-range goals and objectives for achieving them.
Council on Legislation
The Council on Legislation is comprised of the following committees:
Liaison to Kansas Dental Board (KDB)
It is the duty of this council to promote and monitor legislative activities that concern local, state and national oral health related issues.
Council on Membership
The Council on Membership is comprised of the following committees:
Special Awards
It is the duty of this council to evaluate and report all activities and opportunities of professional and organizational interest to members of the profession of dental hygiene. The council promotes membership opportunities through its newsletter, the Hyline, as well as online with our website and social media pages (Facebook). Its goal is to retain and increase membership through communication with members, and to add value to the membership. Special Awards are given out to provide recognition for members’ contributions to the profession and to the Association.
All KDHA members: Please fill out this form so the Special Awards Committee will know if you qualify for an award!! Please fill in all areas applicable. Use a separate paper if needed.
Special Awards Nomination Form
Special Awards Criteria
Return to : Special Awards Committee
attach it in an e-mail to: yourkdha@gmail.com
Council on Professional Development
The Council on Professional Development is comprised of the following committees:
Local Arrangements
Scientific Sessions
Liaison to Oral Health Kansas (OHK)
It is the duty of this council to increase interest, attendance and participation at the KDHA Spring and Annual Meetings. This council will provide continuing education presentations in subject areas pertaining to the scope of dental hygiene and other related fields of interest, as well as plan out all activities/meals/vendor fairs associated with the meeting weekend. Finally, this council helps to provide and promote leadership for preventive oral health initiatives in Kansas.